Estd. in 1970

Hindu Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Jind

Affiliated to Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University, Jind
NAAC Accredited(Grade B)
ISO 9001 : 2015 & ISO 14001 : 2015 Certified


In the electronic era, where everything is changing very fastly, everything is updating, upgrading and modernising itself, in such a dynamic environment, it become our moral and social duty to prepare our students according to the challenging world. To fulfill this goal, we have ‘Commerce Society’ which tries to impart the knowledge of trade and commerce to our students and tries to polish their personalities through actively engaging them in seminars, presentations, career guidance and others.

1. Name of the Department: Commerce Department
2. Year of Establishment: 1989
3. Names of Courses:
(a) UG Courses: B.Com. (General & Honours)
(b) PG Courses: M.Com. 

4. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization

S. No. Name Qualification Designation Specialization
1 Dr. Upasna M.Com.,Ph.D.,NET Associate Professor(HOD) Finance,Marketing
2 Dr. Sushma Hooda M.Com.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,M.Ed. Associate  Professor Finance
3 Mrs. Rekha Saini M.Com.,SLET,B.Ed. Associate  Professor Finance
4 Mrs. Meenu M.Com.,NET Part Time Lecturer Finance,Marketing
5 Mrs. Lucky Saini M.Com.,NET,JRF Part Time Lecturer Finance,Marketing
6 Ms. Madhu M.Com.,NET,JRF Part Time Lecturer Finance,Marketing
7 Ms. Monika M.Com.,NET Part Time Lecturer Finance, HR
8 Mrs. Kirti Bansal M.Com. Part Time Lecturer Finance,Marketing
9 Ms. Preksha M.Com.,NET Part Time Lecturer Finance,Marketing
10 Ms. Arzoo M.Com.,NET,JRF Part Time Lecturer Finance,Marketing
5. Awards / Recognitions received by faculty and students:

Merit List




Academic Achievements





B.Com Ist Sem.

B.Com Ist Sem.

B.Com Ist Sem.


3rd Position in University

5th Position in University

8th Position in University



B.Com IIIrd Sem.

6th Position in University



B.Com IVth Sem.

9th Position in University


Muskan Jain






B.Com IInd Sem.

M.Com IInd Sem.

M.Com IInd Sem.

M.Com IInd Sem.

M.Com IInd Sem.

M.Com IInd Sem.


5th Position in University

1st Position in University

5th Position in University

7th Position in University

8th Position in University

9th Position in University

6. Inter College Awards

2014-15 Miss Harigandha Won Ist prize in Inter College Slogan Writing Competition.

2014-15 Miss Rashmi got IInd prize in Inter College Singing Competition.

2016-17 Miss Aastha (B.Com III) got Ist position in Inter College PPT competition. Miss Ruchi (B.Com II) got IIIrd position in Inter College PPT competition. Miss Vaishali( B.Com III)got Ist position in State Level Eassy Writing Competition.

2017-18 Miss Radhika (M.Com I) got Ist position in Inter College Competition.
7.List of eminent academicians and scientists / visitors to the department
• Dr. Rishipal H.O.D Mangementdeptt. at I.I.E.T. KINNANA
• Prof. Pawan Senior professor of management Deptt. at I.I.E.T. KINNANA
• Mr. Sunil Monga National Level Trainer at JCI Jind

• Dr. R.C Jain H.O.D Commerce Department, Govt. college Jind
• Javed Abbas, Senior Prof. at JIET Jind. (2015-2016)
• Ms. Sonu Punia Senior Analyst in ‘ A on Hewitt Co. Gurgaon’
• Mr. Ajay Bindal (National Level Trainer)
• Mr. Jitender Chahal (National Level Trainer)

• Dr. Prerna Davar H.O.D Management Deptt. at Geeta Engineering College Panipat
8. Details of Infrastructural facilities:
Departmental Library
UG Books 1890
PG Books 254
Competitive Books ( All types of exams) 164
Competitive magazines 1. Prtiyogitadrpan
2. PrtiyogitaKiran
3. Competition success Review
4. Banking ServiceChronicle
Journals 1. Prbandhan-Indian Journal of Management (Jan., April 2018)
2. Indian Journal of Marketing (June 2018)
3. Indian Journal of Finance (Jan., April 2018)
9. Details on student enrichment programs (special lectures/workshops/ seminar) with external experts.
S.No. Expert's Name College Topic Date
1 Dr.Rishipal (Head Deptt. Of Management I.I.E.T. Kinnana How to manage career in corporate sector after graduation. 2 feb.2013
2 Mr.Sushil Kumar Expert from SEBI (Delhi) Portfolio Management and Problems related to security market 28 sept. 2013
3 Mr. Sunil Monga National trainer JCI jind Effective public speaking 28 aug.2013
4 Dr. R.C. Jain Principal, Govt. College Jind Tax management 23 aug. 2014
5 Mr.Ajay Bindal Mr.Jitender Chahal National Level Trainer, Jind One day Training workshop on effective public speaking. 27.Feb. 2016
6 Dr.Prerna Davar H.O.D. Management at Geeta Engineering College Panipat Career in Corporate Sector 9 feb.2017
7 Mr.Puneet Narwal T.I.M.E. Institute Rohtak Career Avenues after Graduation 27.sept. 2017
8 Mr. Joginder singh   Portfolio Management 16 sept. 2017
10. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning:
1. Power Point Presentations
2. Black Board Presentation

3. Group Discussions
4. Organising Quiz Contests
5. Case studies.

11. Reports:
Reports View File
Report of Commerce Department (2018-2019)  CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
Report of Commerce Department (2019-2020)  CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
Report of Commerce Department (2020-2021)  CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
Report of Commerce Department (2021-2022)  CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
Report of Commerce Department (2022-2023) CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
Report of Commerce Department (2023-2024) CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
12. Activities:

Session: 2022-23

S. No. Name of the Activity Date View File
1. One Day Industrial Visit 15.10.2022 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
2. Quiz Competition 18.10.2022 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
3. Educational Trip 05.12.2022 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
4. Power-Point Competition 31.03.2023 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
5. State Level E-Poster Making Competition 11.04.2023 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
6. National Level Commerce Quiz Competition 12.04.2023  CLICK HERETO VIEW THIS
7. Farewell Party 11.05.2023 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
8. One Day Workshop on Building Awareness on Intellectual Property Rights 20.05.2023 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
9. Awareness Lecture on Financial Literacy 26.05.2023 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
10. Workshop on Best Out of Waste 26.05.2023  CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
11. Mega Commerce Counselling Meet - Society Outreach Programme 02.06.2023 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS

Session: 2023-24

S. No. Name of the Activity Date View File
1. Starting of Value Added Course in Digital Marketing 08.09.2023 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
2. Extension Lecture on 'How to Crack NET' 08.09.2023 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
3. Industrial Visit to Lakshya Milk Plant 09.09.2023 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
4. National Level Online Workshop on IPR, Patents & Design Filling 14.09.2023 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
5. Training Programme on Financial Education for Young Citizens 05.10.2023 - 06.10.2023 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
6. Workshop on Research Methodology 07.10.2023  CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
7. Power Point Presentation Competition 14.10.2023  CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
8. Entrepreneurship Development Programme 25.11.2023 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
9. Case Study Competition 29.02.2024 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
10. Workshop on Entrepreneurship Development  04.03.2024 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
11. Awareness Programme on ‘Financial Literacy’ 06.03.2024 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
12. Awareness Rally on ‘Importance of Energy, Water & Environmental Conservation’  06.03.2024 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
13. One Day Multidisciplinary National Seminar (online) on 'Entrepreneurial India: A Fascinating Vision', Approved by DGHE, Haryana 29.03.2024 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS

Session: 2024-25

S. No. Name of the Activity Date View File