Estd. in 1970

Hindu Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Jind

Affiliated to Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University, Jind
NAAC Accredited(Grade B)
ISO 9001 : 2015 & ISO 14001 : 2015 Certified

Political Science

Faculty Members:
Sr. No. Name Designation  Qualification 
1. Mrs. Neelam Assistant Professor M.A., M.Phil. (Gold Medalist), SLET, NET
2. Mrs. Kranti Assistant Professor M.A.(Gold Medalist), M.Phil., NET, JRF
Courses offered:

Political Science in B.A. І, ІІ, ІІІ

  1. The faculty members are involved in active research and publishing of research papers.
  2. The faculty members are involved in various activities such as quiz competitions, debates etc.

Reports View File
Report of Political Science Department (2018-2019) CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
Report of Political Science Department (2019-2020) CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
Report of Political Science Department (2020-2021) CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
Report of Political Science Department (2021-2022) CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
Report of Political Science Department (2022-2023) CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
Report of Political Science Department (2023-2024) CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS

Session: 2022-23

S. No. Name of the Activity Date View File
1. Slogan & Poster Writing Competition 24.10.2022 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
2. Celebration of Communal Harmony Week 23.11.2022 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
3. Celebration of Constitution Day 26.11.2022 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
4. One Day Educational Trip 05.12.2022 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
5. Voter Pledge Ceremony 25.01.2023 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
6. Essay Writing Competition 13.04.2023 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
7. Extension Activity (Voter Awareness Rally) 20.05.2023 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
8. One Day Workshop on Reserarch Methodology 20.05.2023 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
9. Extension Activity (Pledge Ceremony & Lecture on Voter Awareness) in Dhatrath Village 23.05.2023 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS

Session: 2023-24

S. No. Name of the Activity Date View File
1. Extension Lecture on 'Financial Literacy & Cyber Security' 12.09.2023 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
2. Extension Activity (Pledge Ceremony & Lecture under Voter Awareness Campaign in Ramrai Village) 13.09.2023 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
3. Quiz Competition 27.09.2023 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
4. Slogan Writing Competition for Celebration of 'International Day of Non-Violence' 29.09.2023 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
5. Workshop on 'Research Methodology' 18.11.2023 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
6. Workshop on 'Research Methodology' 21.11.2023 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
7. Extension Activity (Rally under Voter Awareness Campaign in Haibatpur Village) 13.02.2024 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS 
8. Extension Activity (Awareness Rally on the Occasion of 'World Peace and Understanding Day') 23.02.2024 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
9. Workshop on 'Gender Sensitization' 26.02.2024 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS
10. Workshop on ‘Research Methodology’ 27.02.2024 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS

Session: 2024-25

S. No. Name of the Activity Date View File
1. Oath Taking Ceremony on the occasion of Constitution Day 26.11.2024 CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS